Integrated Access focus on providing businesses & organisations across the UK with high security access control, cash management solutions, cost effective door automation, door monitoring and asset protection systems.
We are very approachable and make every effort to understand our customer’s. In this way, we believe that we can provide real benefit to their businesses. From initial consultation through to installation, we offer high levels of professionalism in providing a range of services to meet our customer’s individual needs, working with them to tailor solutions to suit their objectives and budgets.
All our installations are carried out using trained technicians together with selected associated specialist contractors and manufacturers, enabling us to provide customers with a wealth of expertise.
Our customer sectors include:
- Banking & Finance
- Retail Premises
- Healthcare & Education
- Government Departments/Agencies
- Commercial Premises
Our services are not limited to our product range, if you require an alternative solution we will be happy to discuss your requirement and how we can help. We believe working as a partnership forms the basis of any successful solution and we have experience across all sectors with many different businesses.