E-Cover | For protecting call points and break glass units
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The ExitShield e-Cover is a tough polycarbonate hinged protective cover, easily installed over call points, emergency switches and other devices to protect against vandalism,accidental damage or deliberate misuse.

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Product Description

The ExitShield e-Cover is a tough protective cover that can easily be installed over a range of call points and other devices to provide protection from vandalism, accidental damage or misuse. The ExitShield e-Cover can also be fitted with an integral battery powered alarm that when lifted emits an ear piercing 90dB pre-alarm warning the user that the device is for emergency use only and should not be tampered with.

In its red form it is commonly installed over fire alarm call points to protect the break glass from deliberate misuse. This subsequently reduces the incidents of false fire alarms.

ExitShield e-Cover can be flush mounted or alternatively surface mounted spacers are available 18mm,32mm and 50mm. A back box is available to provide waterproof protection for devices exposed to hostile environments.

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